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Our Wicking Beds
Wicked Wicking Bed kits are extremely easy to setup with the hardest part deciding where to put them in your garden!
Wicking Bed Kits
Each of our Wicked Wicking Beds comes supplied as a kit complete with all required plumbing, geotextile fabric and pallet, Setting them up is as easy as stacking the components and tightening the outlet.
Don't forget to check out our Trellis & Net Frame Kits
All Hardware included
Each of our Wicked Wicking Beds comes as a kit complete with all required plumbing, geotextile fabric and pallet,
Inlet  Pipe
We have included an inlet pipe that is large enough to fit most garden hose fittings allowing you to place your hose inside the pipe giving you freedom to tend to one of your other garden beds while it is filling. If your beds are uncovered, you can actually see the water level through the plastic tub giving you a great indicator of how much water is needed.
Adjustable Overflow Outlet
Our Adjustable Overflow Outlet allows some flexibility to the water level in your reservoir. The fitting not only prevents your bed from flooding by allowing the water to escape once it reaches the depth you’ve set it to. It is also there to adjust the maximum water depth to allow plenty of air below your soil to keep things breathing or slight flood for a good soaking if required.
Geotextile Fabric
We include a pre-cut length of geotextile fabric which is placed between the reservoir and soil layers. It acts as a filter barrier reducing soil from entering the reservoir layer in turn reducing the need for maintenance and reconstruction over the years.
Slotted drain pipe
The supplied length of drainpipe allows quick easy distribution of water from the inlet pipe across the reservoir. We have found it can reduce blockages and restriction of water flow especially while filling. Our focus here is on ease of use and to reduce the need for maintenance.
Each Wicked Wicking Bed comes supplied with a pallet to give them a sturdy foundation and that little bit of extra height so they're easier on your back. Our beds made using the bottom half of each IBC tank come with its original metal/plastic pallet and we source and include a black plastic pallet for the beds that are made with top half of each IBC tank.
What you'll need
A good soil with heaps or compost, mulch to top it all off and we use and suggest scoria for the reservoir layer although there other plenty of other alternatives.
0.2 cubic metres Gravel/Scoria
To a max 20cm deep

We use and suggest scoria, if available for the reservoir layer although there other plenty of other alternatives. Scoria is an easy solution for creating void in your reservoir. It allows plenty of water to be held and offers good wicking for the water to be drawn up to the soil layer. There are no extra pipes, cutting of plastic parts or different medias required.
It's easy and affordable.
Soil & Mulch
0.25 - 0.3 cubic metres Soil
With plenty of compost

This layer is where the magic happens. Using plenty of organic matter in your soil will only help retain water adding to the benefits of our Wicked Wicking Beds. Topping it off with a layer of mulch will help reduce any unnecessary evaporation, adding to the overall efficiency of our Wicked Wicking Beds.
Finally! Get planting! Pop in any of your favourite seeds or seedlings. Just remember to give them a little watering in when planting out and you will soon see the rewards.
Get in touch
Send through any questions you may have or you can message us direct on Facebook
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